Friday, October 30, 2009

Turning Point

In my 24HAD book the following line reminded me of a poem I had written a few months back. "...We can find the Great Reality deep down within us. And when we find it , it changes our whole attitude toward life."


Blind sided by
midlife's dawning or stunned
by an inevitable crisis
our tinseled world crumbles.

Our denials unseated
our vision clears.
Life till now a hoax
our bare existence exposed.

Our desolate soul adrft
in this it seems
a barren hour
without hope.

Our self so false
we've dug a pit,
no exit to be seen.
Seems hopeless and lost
this troubled scene.

Deadly ballast
pride and ego
twin charlatans
we're humbled to toss.

Having scanned
our collage d'noir
and errant will exposed,
imagine the confused relief,
when counseled.

Surrender and accept
your Higher Power's
forgiving grace.


1 comment:

  1. A VERY well-worded poem and thoughts for today and every day. Thank you.


    Hey, we're the same age, young fellow!
