Monday, May 10, 2010

Promises, True Love

Hi everybody. Before this gets to sound like a Christmas card letter I want to post a belated Mother’s Day acknowledgment of the mothers in our family.

I want to honor the women in my family. They have been the heart and the backbone of three generations of mending the wounds of alcoholism in themselves, their spouses and their children.

From great grandmother to grandmother to mothers they have mothered their families with a love that is tough though true, compassionate and nurturing. They have been the wind under our wings.
They have been instrumental in intervening on an old family tradition. We are blessed.

I am especially blessed with such a wife, who lived through nine years of my drinking and was instrumental in my making the first call. When asked how she put up with my behavior she would reply. “With Jim I have five children; I’m counting on the other four growing up.”

. **
What a week! Actually it started in Nashville the prior weekend with all the rain and flooding and ended in Nashville with grand-parents day at great grandson/ daughter’s school and mother’s day celebrations on this past weekend.

The bad news.
Nashville really got it. Disaster? Sounds a little heavy until you visit the city. Water rationing, church parking lots full of Red Cross Emergency Disaster Equipment and the homes and buildings destroyed. Perhaps the saddest was the home owners carting their water soaked ruined furnishings and personal things out to the curb for disposal.

The good news.
Each of the children’s households although touched in some way by all the water, nothing was serious.
The great grands had parts in the “Fifties Revue” musical put on by all the students K thru Fourth Grade for grand-parents day. It was hilarious.
With everyone intact we spent the rest of the weekend grateful for sobriety.
Thank you God, AA, Alanon and all the rest of you for it all.
What’s that answer when asked, how am I doing?
“Better than I deserve.”



  1. thanks for a fascinating and warm look into the real loves of your life :) been there, done that but i would bet you wouldn't have said such wonderful things about the part i played ;)
    sobriety seems to have done the precious work of opening your eyes as well as ridding your life of the one thing that kept you dying. i am proud of you, really proud of you for continuing to take that first step, again and again! i can only imagine what marvelous changes have come about for your entire family because of it!

  2. a wonderful tribute to moms, my friend and prayers for those affected in Nashville, that sounds horrible...

  3. THANK GOD this sobriety thing is a gift, and not based on what I deserve. Guess what I'm saying is, thanks for a Loving God, Who loves me No Matter What!

    ...and thank you, "Turning Point Jim" for helping to keep me thinking these thoughts of Happy gratefulness.
