Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunny days are here again"

Sun is shining ---beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!! Suppose to rain tomorrow and you know what? Let it. I'm living in today and going to enjoy it to the hilt...gratefully.

After last week's teaser, just one day of sunshine and 60 degrees and this past weekend of freezing weather and snow it looks like Spring is going to settle in.

Went to Centering Prayer (meditation) at noon. There are now eight out the fourteen in the group that are in the program. The room was charged with spirituality. The saying "where two or more of you are gathered..." was alive and real.

After not posting anything for a few days I wanted to stop in and share my joy. This is short because I'm out of here and into all that beauty outside.

Hope you all are having a great day.



  1. I was just listening to this before I stopped by so I thought I'd share -



  2. ...and a beautiful day to you too!

  3. Intriguing post. Left me feeling I wanted to know more - sign of good writing. Thanks for it.

  4. Can anyone help me with the second post of March 24 above. Is it possible for me to decode it on my end?
    This makes the third comment I've received this way.Thanks

