Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just for today--the long haul

Went out running this afternoon. Ran into Jim as I usually do. Love to run. It's a great time apart, alone with my Higher Power, just flimsy shorts and running shoes. Almost naked before God and man. It's my time for meditation. Good for the soul and pretty good for the body also. Dr. Sheehan, a heart surgeon and running guru back in the eighties and nineties had this to say about his daily routine. " The first three miles of my run is for my body, the second three are for my soul." The good doctor like myself and Jim found ourselves bankrupted, physically, mentally and spiritually in midlife. When he came to that turning point, he recognized how powerless he was, cried out for help, surrendered, changed his life and was running marathons into his sixties. As he went around the country lecturing, his pitch on health and running emphasized that it was a spiritual journey contingent on daily maintenance. He urged everyone to stick with a daily routine as it would serve them well for the long haul. The first time we heard him speak we were hooked. We ran our first marathon at age fifty.


  1. good post. short, to the point and true.
    Daily rituals are symbols that speak things we don't have words for.

  2. The long haul--and the turning consider each at once is a goal!
