Sunday, February 20, 2011

Language of the Heart

As usual, while the rest of the household was still caught up in the bed sheets I got up and went through my morning routine of spiritual reading, meditation and prayer. Then with the birds singing with joy because of our (after a loooong unseasonably cold winter) springlike reprieve I went after the paper at the local newsstand.

The women was cheerful, it was contagious although she agreed with me that,"I have to get up a couple hours early in order to get myself together." To that I added, "know what you mean,I unfold rather than wake up."

Having shared my Sunday morning meanderings with you I'd like to share this-morning's spiritual reading,a poem by Rumi the much quoted 13th century Persian Sufi. I apologize to Rumi for mangling his beautiful words with my own translation.
Here is what I heard.

Speak from the heart, never the mind.
Your honesty and courage will set an example for others,
and by listening to you,
they will be inspired to reveal their own heart.
This "heart speaking" is a spiritual practice.
It means, tell the truth and live within
your own boundaries and dimensions
without ever bragging about things
you won't be able to to live up to
or deliver to others.
Heart speaking will bring you a gift
whenever you practice it.
You will do the next right thing.
The heart knows but cannot tell;
The mind doesn't know but can tell.
Stretch yourself to speak from the heart
and bypass the the mind---
you will see miracles
boomerang back into your life.

As my sponsor always cautioned me,"Speak and act as if you are the only Big
Book (AA) someone might read."
Or as Bill W. referred to the message of AA. Its "the language of the heart."



  1. oh i dont think you mangled it too bad...smiles. lots of wisdom in there...

  2. it is best to speak from the heart... it may not always be easy, but it's best.

  3. That really resonated with me - especially the poem. Nope, tell a lie, all of it!

  4. My favorite Rumi poem is called The Guest House (Jack Kornfield, my favorite Buddhist author quoted it in a book called, "After the Enlightenment, The Laundry":

    The Guest House

    This being human is a guest house,
    every morning, a new arrival.

    A joy, a depression, a meanness:
    some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

    Welcome and entertain them all,
    even if they are a crowd of sorrows
    who violently sweep your house empty of all its furniture.

    Still treat each guest honorably;
    they may be clearing you out for some new delight.

    The dark thought, the shame, the malice:
    meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

    Be grateful for whoever comes,
    because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

    Take care! I'm going to take this other Rumi poem and add it to my list of beautiful things that I commit to my heart. Thanks!

    Mike L.

  5. Hi, Your unique translation is making the rounds on Facebook, where it came to my attention. As an Editor of the Nonduality Highlights, I included it with no mention of the translator, as I didn't know where it came from. Actually, all I can find online of the original is about 3 lines. Not sure, but I think one of us may be in trouble... LOL.
