Thursday, February 10, 2011

Celebrations s s s

Birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations. February is the merry month for us. It all starts out on Feb 4 and continues daily through Valentine day. Of the 7 birthdays and 2 anniversaries celebrated 5 stand out for my wife and I; our belly-button and recovery birthdays and our wedding anniversary.

The best part of the occasions are the handshakes, the hugs, the kisses, the phone calls, texts and emails.

I look forward to the cards (e & snail) especially the silly musical cards. I wear out the hinge and trip mechanism before I put them down. Usually there are no store-bought gifts. Have everything,don't need anything although I must admit I appreciate the debit gift cards to the restaurants. They're one gift that keeps on giving since my wife and I can then celebrate again on our date night.

Among those at the top of the list goes the handshakes and hugs, these are the priceless expressions of love and joy, given and received freely and generously. These are the gifts that directly validate that someone like myself could possibly grow out of his lonely self centered relationship with himself into someone capable of receiving and giving love.

I've saved the top of birthday list for something priceless; my 3+yr old great granddaughter singing over the phone "Happy Birthday Grandpa, happy birthday to you" in a voice as pure and sweet as any angel. It brought tears.

The top spot on the anniversary list goes of course to the former homecoming beauty, my loving soul mate and tennis partner for all the thousands of days we've been together. She didn't have to sing anything, just hug me.

Of course there is a special place in my heart for all the love and support from my friends in recovery who helped make all the celebrations possible.


1 comment:

  1. hey there! we have this in september/october over a 10 day period...happy anniversary..i hope each of your celebrations are memory making...
