Monday, June 14, 2010

Daily Check In

Been a hard day, I was getting in bed when the phone rang.

No….well yeah…..who’s this?
This is Angie, bartender at Schuyler Tap…..
drunk in here asked me to call you.
What’s his name?
Don’t know. An out-of-towner….drunk when he came in….
gave him a drink to shut him up.
What does he want?
Wants you to come and get him.
Oh crap….just getting in bed…got to get up early…work.
You're not coming? I’m calling police.
Wait…be there in about 15 minutes.
Good…. but I’m throwing his sorry a** out of here…
he’ll be waiting for you on the curb.

He was on the curb like a sack of garbage, head in hands, just like the bartender said he would be….between sobs he mumbled.

From Wisconsin….been sober little over twelve years….good job
….wife, kids…. lost it all …..
It’s okay…. I’ve called other AAs….we’ll be with you tonight.
As I helped him onto the cot at the Starlight, a $1.00 a night flop house on the strip he grabbed my arm and pleaded with me.

Jim, it’s all in the first thing you do when you wake up…..
Please, please check in with your Higher Power every morning….
ask for all started when I didn’t….didn’t take long….
stopped doing everything else …. it all came crashing down.
Thanks….see you in the morning.

Priceless note from 6.13.64.


  1. Sometimes it's easy to forget that sobriety (in AA) is all about my relationship with my HP. When I drop that, I'm gonna be in big trouble.

  2. jim, what a poignant and powerful story you've shared here. it just goes to show me how insidious this life can be without a daily and real connection to the One who makes living sober possible. sorry for the sleep you lost but your being there for him showed your true commitment to maintaining your own sobriety...this was fascinating, jim!

  3. wow. that last al starts there...
